
About Us
Don Morris, Founder
BCInsourcing, LLC exists today because a large client had a 'need' that Don Morris wanted to find a way to fill. The client's challenge was an understaffed HR Department, employees who didn't fully understand or appreciate the benefits provided to them, and no way to fund a viable solution. Don's vision was to 'insource' a Benefit Communication Specialist (BCS) within the client's HR Department to handle all benefit communication and enrollment for the client, freeing the current HR staff to focus on more strategic priorities of their company. The dedicated additional personnel were funded by an offering of voluntary benefits as part of the employees' complete benefits package. This unique communication and enrollment model brought like minds together by way of collaboration on a large hospital account with Rich Reda of Lockton Benefits. As a result of that fortuitous opportunity in 2003, Don and Rich founded Benefit Communication Insourcing. BCInsourcing's purpose is to improve the employee experience, hire and train communication specialists and administrators, and provide systems and resources to scale this service across all industries. As of 2018, we are now filling the 'need' for over 500,000 employees.