
New Hires
Our trained, licensed and Quality Certified Benefit Communication Specialist (BCS) will meet individually with each of your new hires as part of the onboarding experience for your company. During this meeting all core and voluntary benefits will be reviewed, all questions will be answered, and the goal is to educate and help the employees select benefits to best meet their personal needs. This process also establishes a relationship to assist with employee's future needs during a Qualified Life Event or open enrollment.

Administration - onsite/offsite
A dedicated member of our Client Services Team will be your point of contact with BCInsourcing to support and assist with resolutions regarding voluntary benefits or enrollments. This could also include onsite administrative support for the BCSs and the HR benefits team.

Open Enrollment
As part of our ongoing communication strategy, we provide assistance with your open enrollment planning and communication. With our extensive database, technology, and experiences, we can forecast call volume or on-site needs based on your industry, employee population, and types of changes being made during open enrollment. We then create an open enrollment strategy and provide resources for your communication effort during open enrollment.

Annual Benefit Reviews
Beyond new hires and open enrollment, we meet with benefit eligible employees annually to conduct a benefits check-up. This is also an excellent opportunity to promote employer messages such as wellness, safety reminders, or a reminder to the employee of company resources available to them. This periodic touch-point will help promote employee engagement and you'll receive survey feedback on the employee's experience.